He was missed

TEARShe was missing him and she tried to contact him but there was no reply.
She walked a little in the cold, in the wet, one hour perhaps, perhaps less.
She wondered a while and thought maybe he has gone forever.

A tear crawled out of her left tear duct and slowly slid down her cheek.
It moved slowly like her mind, full of clouds and no obvious emotion beyond sadness.
The tear stopped and clipped her skin.
It turned to glass.
It was frozen still, formed and glistening.
It slid from her jaw and to the floor, crashing into a thousand tiny pieces.
Pieces that shone like diamonds; these tiny glistening things captured the light, every colour and shade.
She leant down, and picked them up, her sadness was so beautiful she gathered it together, and placed them in her pocket.
The light shone so bright it was visible through the denim.
The beauty of her tear made her feel uplifted.
Sadness need not be the end of something, but the beginning.

The entire emotion became a spectacle of colour and floating about her unfelt rainbows bouncing off her entire self.
The rain and cold was mellowing to the new dots of colour that floated about her face.
A fiasco of light, a brilliance a warmth like adrenaline but only more real and if she wanted more permanent, had found its way into her thinking.
Youth full of folly had transpired to a grand awakening and suddenly hurt she deemed was no longer an option.
She had meta-morphed already and what is to stop her continuing?
Her own mind, but then she can fight it and be it two people in one, she will most certainly get the better of her weaker self.

And suddenly her yearning had passed.



yellow ‏@yellow05275179
The TEAR https://impressionsofyellow.wordpress.com/2012/10/17/he-was-missed/
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