So what if England were to go down the plug hole, shrugged Yellow

In a bath full of bubbles that glistened against a stark spot-light above, Yellow giggled at the thought: what if England went down the plug hole? She contemplated, where would all the people go, to the pipes to live down below, Yellow didn’t know? SO, what if England went down the plug hole? Would it […]

Yellow saw a rat

Yellow saw a rat although at first it looked like a leaf, but it seemed to move too fast even in wind as strong as the wind of today. It was definitely a rat. The trees were clustered in the middle of a concrete garden, in a concrete jungle, that was surrounded by a rickety […]

Yellow and the him

Yellow had been bathing in green water as the world outside had turned to resemble the 100 acre wood on a very blustery day. He had called her and told her about the storm. He told Yellow how he had been blown away, high and far in the sky and said he would write soon. […]

Yellow and the dollar

Yellow has day dreamed the morning away. An idea, a letter a telephone call, a ray of hope. And suddenly she had fallen into a day dream or was it under a spell? Fuelled by the dollar, she and her tangent went off skipping into a world of possibilities secured by the dollar. Yellow and […]